


千葉大学看護学部4年次生 丸田美穂さん

Prior to entering university, I wanted to participate in the Transcultural Nursing Program at the University of Alabama. Once I was set to participate in the program, I was more concerned about the language barrier and living in a foreign country for two weeks than looking forward to it. During my participation, however, I found everyday fun and interesting, so the two weeks flew by quickly.

At the University of Alabama, we toured Northport Hospital and participated in theoretical and practical training at the College of Nursing (CCN). We were then assigned to various clinical settings in which we participated in clinical practice. We also took English classes known as “ELI”. During the hospital tour, we experienced a culture different to that in Japan when we observed a number of features in the hospital, such as a large wreath hanging in front of the delivery rooms in the maternity ward and a rehabilitation room equipped with a car. The intensive care unit was also of great interest and had labor, delivery, and recovery rooms, as well as eight beds each in their own private room. During the practical training within the CCN, we used realistic, interactive mannequins to practice nursing techniques such as measuring pulse rate as well as other vital signs and phlebotomy. During the clinical practice outside the CCN, Transcultural Nursing Program participants grouped with CCN students were assigned to different clinical settings such as visiting elementary schools and aged-care institutions, and we also observed consultations with patients who live in remote areas using a system known as “Telehealth”. I was appointed to a workplace where people who have mental disorders or Down Syndrome are employed, and there I gained invaluable experience by working and speaking with clients and staff.

In addition to training and clinical practice, I had many other experiences which included watching a gymnastics meet, enjoying an operetta called “Mikado”, and having a tour of a football stadium which was really fun. Furthermore, going to church for a mass, or lunch with my roommate and talking out student life on the weekend gave me the opportunity to experience a different culture, which I could not have learned about in a classroom setting.

What I learnt on this program, I would like to put to good use in the future. I am also grateful to my supervisors, the faculty at the University of Alabama, and the CCN students who supported us.