Zoom seminar (The 3rd Canada-Ireland-Japan Meeting) 14/7/2021
In addition to the previous members, a couple of peer mentors from the Canadian team, a professor of social work and graduate students from the Irish team, and more graduate students and a professor of home nursing from the Chiba University team, totally 24people participated. Firstly, our graduate students reported on the characteristics of the caring community and the cases of the caring community (C.C.) in Japan, the Canadian team introduced the background of the start of C.C. efforts and process of C.C. construction. It was a meaningful meeting that exchanged and deepened the understanding of C.C..
Zoom seminar (The 2nd Canada-Ireland-Japan Meeting) 24/3/2021
Graduate students and faculty members of Community Health Nursing Laboratory, UCD Japanese Society and Canada Research Chair in Patient and Public Partnership & Caring Community project members had a seminar, giving presentations about comparing Health Care System and Community Care of Canada and Japan.