Admission Information

This doctoral program aims to cultivate individuals with an enriched and advanced level of nursing expertise and foster research on the basis of interdisciplinary, international, and global perspectives. It especially aims to develop those with an in-depth understanding of disaster nursing who can contribute toward ensuring human security.

Admission Policy

Based on the graduate school’s philosophy and objectives, individuals possessing the following attributes are eligible for admission:

  1. Individuals who have completed graduate school and possess a vision as global leaders in disaster nursing.
  2. Individuals who have completed graduate school and are committed to becoming global leaders in disaster nursing activities and developing relevant abilities.


Ph.D. (Nursing), Disaster Nursing Global Leader

Maximum Number of Enrollment

Each university will admit 2 students per year, and the total of 10 students will be selected to begin the DNGL program as a cohort. Each university administers its own admission exam according to its own graduate admission exam policies.

Number of Students to be Admitted
University per year Total at the end of 5 Years
University of Kochi 2 10
University of Hyogo 2 10
Chiba University 2 10
Tokyo Medical and Dental University 2 10
Japan Red Cross College of Nursing 2 10
Total 10 50

Contact Information for Admission

Academic Affairs Desk

Graduate School of Nursing Chiba University
Phone: +81-43-226-2450