Yuki Mochizuki

Name Yuki Mochizuki
Title Specially Appointed associate professor
Degree Ph.D. (Philosophy)
Division Disaster Nursing
E-mail mochizuki-y@chiba-u.jp
  • Ethical issue of Human Security and Human Rights at Disaster
  • Cultural Nursing (forcused on the assesment tool of cultural competence)
Yuki Mochizuki (2014) "Neguri", The chart of contempolary social thought, Houritsubunka-sha, pp.157-169
Yuki Mochizuki (2013) "Speech act and the establishment of the subject, or the passivness of the subject" Aleteia 16, Ochanomizu-shobo, pp.17-37
Yuki Mochizuki (2013) "Hobbes", The wizdom of political thought, Houritsubunka-sha, pp.26-40
1.Yuki Mochizuki, et.al, The Asian Research & Collaboration Center for Nursing & Cultural Studies in Japan, Volume 18, Issue Supplement s2, (Journal of Nursing and Huma Sciences), pages 4-7, July 2012
Yuki Mochizuki (2012) "Community and culture," "Understanding of death," Home nursing care, Nanko-do, pp.35-41
Yuki Mochizuki (2010) "The verval violens and the subjectivity." The report of justice and subject, pp.24-32