Step 3 (Third Year)

Step 3 “Resolution” is a step where students gain the ability to understand the conflict between patients/service users and medical professionals and solve the problem.

Step 3 takes place for two days around Christmas in the format of seminar. On the first day, students will apply the knowledge gained from the lecture to analyze the conflict and struggle in the video on their own and communicate to their group members. On the second day, they will not only analyze conflicts and struggles but also think about the goals and policies of the team and specific actions of each member to consider measures for patient/service user-centric resolution. Furthermore, they will look back and summarize the process of resolving own conflicts and struggles. The results of group work will be presented in between each group work to share with other students and faculty members in order to identify next study tasks.

*The following describes the actual implementation for the fiscal year 2013.

[Time and Date]

Two days, first through fourth periods on Wednesday the December 24 and Thursday the December 25, 2014.


A total of 251 students including 120 juniors from the School of Medicine, 81 juniors from the School of Nursing, and 50 juniors from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
*42 groups of 5 to 6 students were created

[Learning Objectives]

Ability to understand the conflict between patients/service users and medical professionals and solve the problem. Students will be able to do the following after completing Step 3:

  1. To think from the standpoint of student the way a professional should be
  2. To explain the conflict and the solution for the conflict as well as to notice a conflict that is arising in the team
  3. To resolve a conflict within the team in order to achieve team’s goal
  4. To look at multiple ideas for solving problem and choose as a team the best method that respects the will of the patient/service user
  5. To discuss frankly with team members about the way treatment and care should be for the patient/service user
  6. To state opinion to team members based on the specialized knowledge and judgement one has now as a student

[Study Contents]

Date Period/Classroom Content

12/24 (Wed)

First period: Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences 120th Anniversary Memorial Hall Orientation
Lecture 1: “Understanding Conflict”
Lecture 2: “Methods for Communicating within the Team”
First half of the second period
Lecture rooms of School of Medicine, School of Nursing, and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (6 classrooms)
Watch a teaching material video
Group work 1: Analyze and communicate the conflict (preparation/individual work)
Second half of the second period (6 classrooms) Team building
Group work 1: Analyze and communicate the conflict (preparation)
Third and fourth periods (6 classrooms) Group work 1: Analyze and communicate the conflict
Review on Group work 1
Group work 2: Aiming to resolve the conflict (preparation)

12/25 (Thurs)

First and second periods (6 classrooms) Orientation
Lecture 3: “Approaches Aiming to Resolve the Conflict”
Group work 2: Aiming to Resolve the Conflict
Group work 3: Reviewing the Resolution Process
Third and fourth periods Preparation for the presentation
Study Outcome Presentation: 7-minute presentation + 5-minute Q&A per group

[A Look at the Class]

  • 11_3_001Lecture
    Through each lecture, students learn about the mechanism of conflict and struggle, methods of presentation, and approaches for resolving a conflict or struggle.
  • 11_3_002Watching a teaching material video
    Students watch teaching material vides like DVDs, identify conflicts and struggles there, and make a presentation to their team members.
  • 11_3_003Group work
    Under group work, students discuss in a group specific directions for structuralizing and solving the problem. They summarize and examine by using worksheets and whiteboard (sheet).
  • 11_3_004A look at facilitation
    Faculty members check in with students once in a while to help facilitate discussions among students by giving advices and suggestions.
  • 11_3_005Presentation
    Students report the outcome of their two-day group work. Having had lively exchanges of opinions with other groups and faculty at the presentation, they identify next study tasks.