About the IPERC

The Interprofessional Education Research Center (IPERC), an education research center affiliated with Chiba University Graduate School of Nursing, was established on January 1, 2015 as part of a performance enhancement plan for the Inohana Campus. The IPERC plans to develop and popularize programs for promoting systematic interprofessional education (IPE) and cooperative practices that are required in the super-aging and global society. It also aims to grow and advance education, practice, and research related to interprofessional work (IPW) in Japan and Asia. In addition, the IPERC plans and manages Inohana IPE while partnering with the School of Medicine, School of Nursing, and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The philosophy, vision, and mission of the IPERC are defined as follows:


Philosophy: Development, accumulation, and popularization of interprofessional education, practice, and research


Vision: As an IPE research base, strive to build and organizationally grow interprofessional studies



  1. Develop next-generation human resources who have professional and cooperative competencies to reform organization
  2. Develop resources and recommend policies in order to promote IPW comprehensively with various scopes of healthcare and welfare
  3. Organizationally theorize, systemize, and demonstrate IPE and IPW to continuously innovate and develop a base