Study Guide

Inohana IPE has prepared a study guide.

The PDF file is available for you to download; however, please check with the IPERC regarding its reprint and usage.

pdficon_small  Study Guide (Japanese only)

The Study Guide lists the most basic information on Inohana IPE such as the purpose of Inohana IPE, explanations on terms, abilities students strive to gain, learning objectives at each Step, study plan, basic principles or “the ground rules,” study methods, teaching materials, e-learning systems (Moodle and iFolio), assignments to submit, and grading methods.

pdficon_small Study Guide (Reference Edition, Japanese only)

The Study Guide: Reference Edition is a collection of reference materials on basic information for the entire Inohana IPE. It lists introductions to each undergraduate school, including the School of Medicine, School of Nursing, and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the underlying medical and ethical backgrounds for IPE, the roles of various health, medical, and welfare professionals, and real examples of their cooperation.